State sovereignty

Expectativas Desalinhadas: Sony, Charlie e os Fundamentalismos Modernos

International Relations / Globalization / Terrorism / Violence / International Terrorism / Political Violence and Terrorism / Surveillance Studies / Political Violence / Cyber Terrorism / Surveillance / Counter terrorism / Religion and Violence / Zygmunt Bauman / Laicite / Critical Terrorism Studies / French foreign policy - especially towards the Maghreb and Europe. Islam, immigration and terrorism / Relações Internacionais / Globalização / Terrorismo Y Antiterrorismo / Terrorismo / State sovereignty / Bauman / Muslims in France / Sony / Terrorism and Counterterrorism / TERRORISMO GUERRA VIRILIO Y POSESTRUCTURALISMO / TERRORISMO INTERNACIONAL / Zigmund Baumann / TERRORISMO Y CONTRATERRORISMO / Charlie Hebdo / Political Violence and Terrorism / Surveillance Studies / Political Violence / Cyber Terrorism / Surveillance / Counter terrorism / Religion and Violence / Zygmunt Bauman / Laicite / Critical Terrorism Studies / French foreign policy - especially towards the Maghreb and Europe. Islam, immigration and terrorism / Relações Internacionais / Globalização / Terrorismo Y Antiterrorismo / Terrorismo / State sovereignty / Bauman / Muslims in France / Sony / Terrorism and Counterterrorism / TERRORISMO GUERRA VIRILIO Y POSESTRUCTURALISMO / TERRORISMO INTERNACIONAL / Zigmund Baumann / TERRORISMO Y CONTRATERRORISMO / Charlie Hebdo

MAZZUOLI, Valerio de Oliveira. Soberania e a proteção internacional dos direitos humanos: dois fundamentos irreconciliáveis. In: Revista de Informação Legislativa, ano 39, n. 156 (2002), p. 169-177.

Human Rights Law / Human Rights / Sovereignty / Direito Constitucional / Direito Internacional / direito Internacional público / Direito Constitucional, Direitos Coletivos, Direitos Humanos / Direitos Humanos / Direitos Fundamentais e Direitos Humanos / Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos / State sovereignty / Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos / Soberania / Soberanía Nacional / Teoria Da Soberania / Sistema Interamericano De Direitos Humanos / direito Internacional público / Direito Constitucional, Direitos Coletivos, Direitos Humanos / Direitos Humanos / Direitos Fundamentais e Direitos Humanos / Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos / State sovereignty / Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos / Soberania / Soberanía Nacional / Teoria Da Soberania / Sistema Interamericano De Direitos Humanos

Hospitalidade e Proteção Internacional ao Refugiado: do discurso à prática entre os países latinos da América do Sul e a União Europeia.

Human Rights / Refugee Studies / Sovereignty / International Human Rights Law / International Refugee Law / Refugees / Refugees and Forced Migration Studies / Direitos Humanos / Refugees, migration and immigration / State sovereignty / Refugiados / Direito Internacional Publico / Refugees / Refugees and Forced Migration Studies / Direitos Humanos / Refugees, migration and immigration / State sovereignty / Refugiados / Direito Internacional Publico

DO ESTADO NO ANTIGO REGIME (Proferido no IHGB, 23.set.2015)

History of Ideas / Early Modern History / History of Political Institutions / State sovereignty

Falklands ou Malvinas, o Arquipélago da Discórdia: Um passado Contestado e um Futuro Incerto

Sovereignty / War Studies / Theories of Sovereignty / Malvinas / Islas malvinas / Falklands/Malvinas / State sovereignty / Falklands War / Malvinas Falklands Fortress / Soberania / Guerra Das Malvinas / Soberanía Nacional / Teoria Da Soberania / Falklands/Malvinas / State sovereignty / Falklands War / Malvinas Falklands Fortress / Soberania / Guerra Das Malvinas / Soberanía Nacional / Teoria Da Soberania


International Relations / Foreign Policy Analysis / International Law / Judgment and decision making / Politics / United Nations / International Court of Justice / Nicaragua / State sovereignty / United Nations / International Court of Justice / Nicaragua / State sovereignty

A Soberania num Manuscrito Português de 1837

Sovereignty / Constitutional History / State sovereignty

A népszavazás után – Skócia és a 2014-es népszavazás a hömpölygő devolúció kontextusában

European History / European Studies / Political Economy / British History / Welfare State / Sovereignty / British Politics / Political Science / State Formation / Scottish History / Politics / Federalism / Fiscal federalism and decentralization / European Politics / State Theory / Parliamentary Studies / Referendum / Western Esotericism (History) / European Union Politics / Theories of Sovereignty / Independence / England / United Kingdom / Scotland / State / Devolution / Great Britain / State sovereignty / Devolution in the United kingdom / Westminster parliamentarism / Westminster System / Public Policy / Sovereignty / British Politics / Political Science / State Formation / Scottish History / Politics / Federalism / Fiscal federalism and decentralization / European Politics / State Theory / Parliamentary Studies / Referendum / Western Esotericism (History) / European Union Politics / Theories of Sovereignty / Independence / England / United Kingdom / Scotland / State / Devolution / Great Britain / State sovereignty / Devolution in the United kingdom / Westminster parliamentarism / Westminster System / Public Policy

Novo presidente da RASD defende diálogo mas não descarta a luta armada

State sovereignty / RASD / Brahim Ghali / Saara Ocidental / Dajla

Que consequências para a Responsabilidade de Proteger após a intervenção na Líbia e a inação na Síria

International Relations / Human Rights / Political Science / State sovereignty / Responsibility to Protect (R2P)

[Dissertação de mestrado] HILLANI, Allan M. Na urgência da catástrofe: violência e capitalismo

Critical Theory / Sociology / Political Sociology / Political Economy / Political Philosophy / Political Theory / Violence / Marxism / Race and Racism / Frankfurt School (Philosophy) / Sovereignty / Security / Critical Thinking / Political Science / Liberalism / Critical Legal Theory / Critical Social Theory / Political Violence and Terrorism / Politics / Walter Benjamin / Slavoj Žižek / Giorgio Agamben / Capitalism / Value Theory / State Theory / Marxist theory / Michel Foucault / Frankfurt School / Theories of Sovereignty / Karl Marx / Anti-Capitalism / Marxismo / State of exception / Economic Crisis / Violencia / Capitalismo / Violencia Política / Liberalismo / Violência / Neue Marx-Lektüre / Estado / State sovereignty / Sociology of the State / Teoria do Estado / Political Theory / Violence / Marxism / Race and Racism / Frankfurt School (Philosophy) / Sovereignty / Security / Critical Thinking / Political Science / Liberalism / Critical Legal Theory / Critical Social Theory / Political Violence and Terrorism / Politics / Walter Benjamin / Slavoj Žižek / Giorgio Agamben / Capitalism / Value Theory / State Theory / Marxist theory / Michel Foucault / Frankfurt School / Theories of Sovereignty / Karl Marx / Anti-Capitalism / Marxismo / State of exception / Economic Crisis / Violencia / Capitalismo / Violencia Política / Liberalismo / Violência / Neue Marx-Lektüre / Estado / State sovereignty / Sociology of the State / Teoria do Estado
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